Impact Nation

Impact Nation is a customer event serving Relias customers over the last 10 years with product updates, industry updates, thought leadership, and networking. Over the last few years keynote speakers have included: Ibram X. Kendi, Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, Susan David, Dr. Michele Harper, Samantha Harris, and Kathy Buckley (Promo videos at the bottom of the page).

As the event grew over the years it, like so many events, saw great change during the pandemic. Our teams shifted the once in-person event to virtual and in 2023, the event expanded to one main stage customer event and two 1-day webinar style events throughout the year. Thus, the Creative Team worked closely with the Events Team and stakeholders to give the event a brand overhaul.


Creative Direction/Strategy: Elizabeth Curl

Logo Design/Visual Development: Myke Williams

Animation and Graphic Design: Pa’yton Silver

Videography: Luke Pearson, Lift Films

Previous Branding
Updated Branding

Creative team provided promotional graphics in the form of digital ads, email banners, social graphics, and website graphics.

Additionally, the team was responsible for designing the virtual event space and developing presentation templates for the speakers to use.

I worked closely with our videographer to produce promotional videos for the event during my 4 year tenure with the event.

After the logo was developed, the team utilized our expanded color palette from our company rebrand. This allowed for colors to serve as digital wayfinding throughout the event.

Colors corresponded to the subject matter of the talk track and this allowed for visual interest and variety within the event.

Patterns were derived from the new logomark and used intentionally paired with the Relias corporate patterns. Motion and animation were incorporated to bring movement and dimension to a virtual event space.

Event Websites

Promotional Videos